[ပြင်ဆင်ရန်]မျက်စိမှိတ်ပြနေသည့် မျက်နှာ
- ဖော်ရွေခြင်းကို ဖော်ပြသည်
- 2015, "Interdimensional Field Trip", season 1, episode 12a of Star vs. the Forces of Evil
- [Marco sends a cat picture to Jackie's cell phone]
- Jackie: Oh, I love it!
- Marco: She sent me an LOL! We're communicating!
- Jackie's text message: LOL!!😉👍
- 2015, "Interdimensional Field Trip", season 1, episode 12a of Star vs. the Forces of Evil
- Light-heartedly indicates that two or more people (one of them the writer) share hidden knowledge or intent.